天主教高等教育 – 爱荷华州和爱荷华州的资产


天主教高等教育 - 爱荷华州和爱荷华州的资产

艾米·诺瓦克,圣. galaxy银河娱乐场app; Fletcher Lamkin, 总统, Clarke University; James Collins, 总统, Loras College; and Todd Olson, 总统, Mount Mercy大学

This is a turbulent time for higher education, both nationally and here in Iowa. Students, families and state leaders have questions about value, relevance and trust. 多于1.2 million fewer undergraduates are in college now than just before the pandemic hit. 在这个充满挑战的环境中, 私人, non-profit higher education provides powerful assets to students, 我们当地的galaxy银河娱乐场app和我们的州. 在爱荷华州, 私人 colleges and universities award over 40 percent of all bachelor's and half of all master's and doctoral degrees. 此外, our Catholic institutions - welcoming to students from all traditions - add particular richness as we build on a foundation of values, 性格与信仰.

We offer an education rooted in the important skill development obtained through the liberal arts and in preparing our students for professional success. 我们力求始终保持相关性, as evidenced by our focus on ethics and the application of learning in the workplace and world. Each of our institutions reaches out to employers in our communities, listens to their needs and responds with new programs and initiatives. We also listen to student and parent interests and ensure we deliver a strong return on investment in a supportive environment.

Higher education matters - and a bachelor's degree increases lifetime earnings by an average of $1 million over a high-school education. Our 私人 colleges and universities provide financial aid that makes our education affordable. Across the country, a student's net tuition cost at a 私人 institution is lower than in 2009. 此外, we have an excellent track record of helping students graduate in four years, enabling them to minimize debt and enter the workforce on time. Every student who attends a 私人 university in Iowa rather than attending a Regents university saves our taxpayers about $13,000.

在爱荷华州学费助学金的帮助下, 私人 colleges and universities are providing increasing opportunities for traditionally underserved students. About one-fourth of our students are the first in their family to attend college, one-third are minority students and one-third are eligible for federal Pell Grants.

The doors open to college graduates make the hard work of college worth it, and the moderate cost is an excellent investment. 此外, the value of higher education is more than just economic. Americans with a college degree feel more socially connected and civically engaged and are more active in their communities than people who did not attend college. As a result, college graduates report feeling less lonely or isolated. Our Catholic difference centers on a commitment to serve others, and we see this commitment come to life each day in our students and alums. Our institutions are a labor force incubator for our respective communities. Our graduates also play a pivotal role in shaping the social fabric of our societies. We graduate students committed to working as leaders in churches, 非营利组织和社会服务部门. 虽然这些职位的薪水可能比其他职位低, they are critically important for the well-being of our state.

Iowa thrives with an educated, engaged citizenry. Private higher education makes a positive difference all across our state, and our Catholic institutions offer particular benefits and a supportive environment to learn and grow. Our graduates contribute in many ways to economic and civic life. We are proud to play a significant part in educating and empowering students, 建立我们的地方galaxy银河娱乐场app, 帮助我们的国家变得更加强大.

Clarke University, Loras College, Mount Mercy大学 and St. galaxy银河娱乐场app are members of the Iowa Catholic Collegiate Association, sharing a purpose to ensure Catholic higher education continues to provide students with collegiate experiences that promote the integration of faith and reason.

圣凯尔特十字. galaxy银河娱乐场app校园



Iowa thrives with an educated, engaged citizenry. Private higher education makes a positive difference all across our state, and our Catholic institutions offer particular benefits and a supportive environment to learn and grow.


There were many career paths Johnny McGee ’24 OTD could have pursued. With a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and a Master of Science in Exercise and Sports Psychology, 他想进入体育产业. But his grandmother always lingered in the back of his mind.



Valentine Koros’ ’24 is inherently empathetic and selfless. She can remember so distinctly the feeling of helplessness at the age of eight when she was unable to care for her diabetic mother.

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Advocacy is embedded in 莱斯利摇摇摆摆地走’s ’24 MSW DNA. 在军队服役23年后, she knows how to stand up for herself and – more importantly – how to stand up for others. But she felt like a piece of the puzzle was missing.



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